California orders not working
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Category: Legacy Products
Forum Name: SalesCart Standard / PRO / SQL
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Topic: California orders not working
Posted By: cmhofer
Subject: California orders not working
Date Posted: April/04/06 at 11:43am
Our website has been working for the last 8 months or so, and we have one major issue: No one from California is able to place an order. They say that they get a blank screen at some point in the checkout process. Knowledge base article #5084 pertains to this issue I believe, accept we have no idea how to get into the shop.mdb to check it out or how to modify it. Can anyone help?
------------- Michelle
Posted By: JasonJolliff
Date Posted: April/24/06 at 7:54am
I had some problems with California when I first set up as well. It has something to do with the way it is configured in your Online Order Management interface. At lest that's where I fixed it at. Now I remember...
My business is in Indiana and so I deleted the Ca tax code that was in there rather than change it to zero. It screwed things up deleting it. So just add Ca back in with the appropriate tax percentage (either 8.25% I believe or Zero).
Posted By: mikeb
Date Posted: April/24/06 at 10:02am
Yes...I would try setting California Tax rate to 0. All states MUST be present. You cannot simply delete a viable tax location. It must be present and @ 0 zero, if you want folks to choose it but don't want any taxes there.
Posted By: cmhofer
Date Posted: April/25/06 at 9:58am
We took a look at the states listed in the taxes table in our online order management, and CA was missing. We added it in, and shortly thereafter recieved our first sucessful California order! Too bad it was missing to begin with. Thanks for the replies!
------------- Michelle
Posted By: mikeb
Date Posted: April/25/06 at 10:04am
It was not missing in the beginning. It is actually defaulted to 8.25% as Jason said as "demonstration" data. In the SQL version of SalesCart, the only time it would be missing is if you forget to load the demo and configuration data as a part of the initial database creation. In SalesCart PRO, someone would have had to manual go in there and delete it.
Im glad you got your first Ca order....