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Excessive order ID’s

Printed From: SalesCart
Category: Legacy Products
Forum Name: SalesCart NET
Forum Description: For SalesCart NET developers and designers to converse with other SalesCart NET owners
Printed Date: February/13/25 at 6:24am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.04 -

Topic: Excessive order ID’s
Posted By: Ginostylz
Subject: Excessive order ID’s
Date Posted: July/28/10 at 10:33pm
I have an excessive amount of order ID's. I have a new google search tool on my website. It seems as though as my website search tool spiders my webpage weekly, the order ID's insanely increase. I am up to the 5 million range now, and orders are nowhere near that, not even close to a percent of it.
I tried to disallow cgi-bin in my google search appliance setting, and also in my robots.text file. Please help!

Posted By: admin
Date Posted: July/29/10 at 12:18pm
Its not really a big deal.
The bigger the number goes, the busier it makes your website look. You just need to stay on top of your order manager and delete the "abandoned orders". The limit in the database may be an 8 bit integer but this can easily be changed to allow the number to keep going up.

Otherwise, you would need to contact Google and find out why the robots are going where you are telling them they can't go. If you have disallowed cgi-bin, they would not be able to add orders. Perhaps you have some other culprit besides the search engines. Are you sure they are the culprit?

Posted By: Ginostylz
Date Posted: July/29/10 at 1:26pm
It's a big deal to me. After reading more of the online articles I found that clicking on the add to cart link assigns an order ID. I got some advice to make the add to cart button a "no follow" link, but that would break everytime I save the page.

I have been unable to delete abandoned orders at this magnitude. I will time out after an hour even when I try to break it up some.

I am positive that my google mini server attacks it. I though I was getting bot attacked, but when I blocked that IP my google mini server quit caching my web pages. However the number quit climbing so high.   

Posted By: admin
Date Posted: March/17/11 at 1:41pm
You can use the order manager to delete all abandoned orders with a single click. You can use the no-follow comment inside of an "include" if you want and use the include within your product bot.

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