sendemail.asp error
Printed From: SalesCart
Category: Legacy Products
Forum Name: SalesCart Standard / PRO / SQL
Forum Description: All questions pertaining to SalesCart Standard, PRO and SQL should be posted here.
Printed Date: February/18/25 at 5:13pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.04 -
Topic: sendemail.asp error
Posted By: jason2004
Subject: sendemail.asp error
Date Posted: July/16/06 at 9:21pm
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fa'
Class not defined: 'CSimpleAdo'
/cgi-bin/sendemail.asp, line 17
Line 17 is:
Set SimpleAdo = New CSimpleAdo
SimpleAdo.setConnectionString = Session("ConnectionString")
Set RS = SimpleAdo.getRecordSet(SQLStmt)
Any idea what's wrong?
SalesCart Pro 5
Posted By: mikeb
Date Posted: July/17/06 at 9:19am
You don't have cmail.asp in cgi-bin
Posted By: jason2004
Date Posted: July/17/06 at 4:33pm
mike wrote:
You don't have cmail.asp in cgi-bin |
I do have CMail.asp in cgi-bin folder.
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
' CMail.asp
' Copyright (c) 1995-2003 ComCity Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
' Define all Function Calls, Subroutines, and classes in this file
' CREATED February 19, 2001 by ip
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
' 3/19/01 &nbs p; mtb & nbsp; Needs Release 1.0
' 1/14/03 &nbs p; wc &n bsp; Updated to use Bamboo
' 1/29/03 wc &nbs p;Updated to use JMail
' 2/4/03 wc &nbs p;Updated Bamboo to send mail using objMail.Send instead of objMail.SendMail
' 3/27/03 wc &nbs p;Updated to use Persits ASPEmail
' 7/2/03 wc &nbs p;Updated CDONTS to have option to send HTML-based email
' 7/2/03 wc &nbs p;Updated to send via CDOSYS
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
'Use ScCdo for CDONTS, ScAspMail for Serverobject's ASPMail, Bamboo for Bamboo Email, JMail for JMail,
'ScAspEmail for Persits ASPEmail, CDOSYS for CDOSYS
'The AddToAddress takes three parameters Name, email, address, type(1=To, 2=Cc, 3=Bcc)
'these are all required or you will get an error. Each Name must be unique. If you
'don't have a name just pass up a made up one. or the email address.
'Set objMail = New CMail
'objMail.SetPluginType = "ScCdo"
'objMail.AddToAddress "Jim Bim", toaddress, 1
'objMail.AddToAddress "Old Granddad", ccaddress, 2
'objMail.AddToAddress "Johnny Walker", bccaddress, 3
'Set objMail = Nothing
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
'**Start Encode**
Posted By: mikeb
Date Posted: July/17/06 at 4:46pm
Sorry not Cmail. Csimpleado.asp is the class that holds csimpleado. Either its not in the cgi-bin or it can't find it because of pathing/relative pathing issues you have introduced somehow.
Posted By: jason2004
Date Posted: July/18/06 at 2:02am
mike wrote:
Sorry not Cmail. Csimpleado.asp is the class that holds csimpleado. Either its not in the cgi-bin or it can't find it because of pathing/relative pathing issues you have introduced somehow. |
I do have CSimpleado.asp in CGI-BIN folder.
I have 2 versions of this file:
One that came with SalesCart Pro 5:
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
' CSimple ADO
' Copyright (c) 1995-2003 ComCity Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
' Define all Function Calls, Subroutines, and classes in this file
' CREATED Unknown by ip
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
' Unknown &nbs p; ip &n bsp; Created
' 3/16/01 &nbs p; mtb & nbsp; Incorporation changes for Pro 3.0
' 3/16/01 &nbs p; mtb & nbsp; Needs Release 2.0
' 5/13/03 &nbs p; wc &n bsp; Created new function checkSQL to modify SQL statements to conform with SQL Server
' 5/13/03 &nbs p; wc &n bsp; Updated getRecordSet and ExecuteInsertUpdate functions to use checkSQL function
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
'Dim objSimpleAdo, rstRS, strSql
'strSql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable"
'Set SimpleAdo = New CSimpleAdo
'SimpleAdo.setConnectionString = Session("Connection")
'Set rstRS = SimpleAdo.getRecordSet(strSql)
'Do stuff with the record set
'Set SimpleAdo = Nothing
'Set RS = Nothing
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
'**Start Encode**#@~^pgsAAA==@#@&@#@&@#@&;Vlk/,/?b:2Vb[G@#@&dh.k7lY ~/W xmOkGUUY.k &nbs p; L@#@&dK.b\lOn,ZGx ;
and one I have downloaded:
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
' CSimple ADO
' Copyright (c) 1995-2003 ComCity Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
' Define all Function Calls, Subroutines, and classes in this file
' CREATED Unknown by ip
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
' Unknown &nbs p; ip &n bsp; Created
' 3/16/01 &nbs p; mtb & nbsp; Incorporation changes for Pro 3.0
' 3/16/01 &nbs p; mtb & nbsp; Needs Release 2.0
' 5/13/03 &nbs p; wc &n bsp; Created new function checkSQL to modify SQL statements to conform with SQL Server
' 5/13/03 &nbs p; wc &n bsp; Updated getRecordSet and ExecuteInsertUpdate functions to use checkSQL function
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
'Dim objSimpleAdo, rstRS, strSql
'strSql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable"
'Set SimpleAdo = New CSimpleAdo
'SimpleAdo.setConnectionString = Session("Connection")
'Set rstRS = SimpleAdo.getRecordSet(strSql)
'Do stuff with the record set
'Set SimpleAdo = Nothing
'Set RS = Nothing
'----------------------------------------------------------- ---------
'**Start Encode**
Class CSimpleAdo
Private ConnectionString
Private Conn
Private RS
Public Property Let setConnectionString(strConn)
ConnectionString = strConn
End Property
Private Function getDataConnection()
On Error Resume Next
Conn.O pen ConnectionString
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Dim&nb sp; newConn, posUID
newCon n = ConnectionString
posUID = Instr(1,newConn,"uid",1)
If posUID <> 0 Then
newConn = Mid(newConn,1,posUID-1)
End&nb sp; If
Respon se.Write "Could not open data connection. Error:<BR>" & Err.Description
Respon se.Write "<p>The Invalid ConnectionString is defined as: " & newConn
Respon se.End
End If
Set getDataConnection = Conn
End Function
Public Function getRecordSet(sql)
sql = checkSQL(sql)
Dim conn
Set conn = getDataConnection()
RS.CursorType = 3
RS.CursorLocation = 3
On Error Resume Next
RS.Open sql,conn
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Response.Write "Error: <BR>" & Err.Description
Exit Function
End If
Set getRecordSet = RS
End Function
Public Function ExecuteInsertUpdate(sql)
sql = checkSQL(sql)
Dim Conn
Set Conn = getDataConnection()
On Error Resume Next
If Err.number <> 0 Then
ExecuteInsertUpdat e = False
End If
ExecuteInsertUpdate = True
End Function
Public Function checkSQL(SQLStr)
If Session("DBType") = 1 Then
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "DISTINCTROW ", "")
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "Order.", "[order].")
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "order.", "[order].")
If InStr(SQLStr, "DELETE item.Control") Then
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "item.Control ", "")
End&nb sp; If
If InStr(SQLStr, "DELETE *") Then
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "* ", "")
End&nb sp; If
If InStr(SQLStr, "AllOrders") Then
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "[order].", "")
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "#", "'")
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "customer.", "")
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "[AllOrders]", "AllOrders")
End&nb sp; If
If InStr(SQLStr, "ConfirmedOrder") Then
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "[order].", "")
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "#", "'")
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "customer.", "")
If InStr(SQLStr, "orderdate like") Then
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "like", "=")
End If
End&nb sp; If
If InStr(SQLStr, "CustomerOrder") Then
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "[order].", "")
SQLStr = Replace(SQLStr, "#", "'")
End&nb sp; If
End If
checkSQL = SQLStr
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set Conn = Nothing
Set RS = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
Which one is the correct?
Posted By: jason2004
Date Posted: July/18/06 at 2:07am
What pathing/relative pathing issues you think I might have?
Looking at the code shouldn't the Session ("ConnectionString") be ("SalesCart1_connectionstring") or to leave as it is?
Set SimpleAdo = New CSimpleAdo
SimpleAdo.setConnectionString = Session("ConnectionString")
Set RS = SimpleAdo.getRecordSet(SQLStmt)
Posted By: mikeb
Date Posted: July/18/06 at 8:34am
The version of CSimpleADO that ships with the product is the correct one although that file has undergone very little changes so its doubtful the version is the problem. If the file is in the cgi-bin folder, than the problem is that it cannot find the file.
You should not be changing connection string information. The name of the SalesCart Connection string session variable is "ConnectionString". You don't change this stuff...there never is a reason to even open it up.
Your error message is quite discript.
Class not defined: 'CSimpleAdo'
In other words, I cannot find CSimpleAdo? Where is it? I expect to see it in the same path as where I am as normally defined by an include at the top of the page, but I cannot find it there.
Sendemail.asp normally gets called from receipt2.asp. Does the top of your receipt page have this?:
<!--#include file="codepage.asp"-->