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Please advice: Global.asa and SalesCart.a

Printed From: SalesCart
Category: Legacy Products
Forum Name: SalesCart Standard / PRO / SQL
Forum Description: All questions pertaining to SalesCart Standard, PRO and SQL should be posted here.
Printed Date: February/05/25 at 12:56pm
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Topic: Please advice: Global.asa and SalesCart.a
Posted By: jason2004
Subject: Please advice: Global.asa and SalesCart.a
Date Posted: May/29/06 at 2:59pm
As I see, the majority of Sales Cart problems are caused by incorrect global.asa (broken database connection string) and/or the incorrect folder permission setting.

You do have a great manual for Sales Cart, but without many explanation and instructions about these major settings. I understand that global.asa problem is not the Sales Cart development bug and it is caused by Front Page. What you need to do is to show us exactly how global.asa/salescart.asa is supposed to be.

Few days ago I’ve upgraded Sales Cart to PRO 5.04 version, (running FP2002 and XP) and my nightmares starts again. It took me lots of time to make ver.3.0 working and here we are again.

I was glad to see that you have included salescart.asa inside global.asa in PRO 5.04 in order to prevent FP breaking connection string. Unfortunately, upon installing new version and running Sales Cart Wizard global.asa is broken again. It took me few hours to realize this. I can rewrite the code manually, and upload *.asa files manually as long as I know what the correct code is.

Please advice:

1.     With this new combination global.asa/salescart.asa is it correct to not have SalesCart1 listed in Tools>Web Settings>Database?

2.     What global.asa/salscart.asa code is the correct one:

3.     Original global.asa:
Sub Application_OnStart
End Sub

Sub Application_OnEnd
End Sub

Sub Session_OnStart
'==SalesCart Start==
<!--#include file='cgi-bin/SalesCart.asa'-->
'==SalesCart End==
End Sub

Sub Session_OnEnd
End Sub

4.     Front Page modified global.asa:

'     Copyright (C) 1995-2004 ComCity. All Rights Reserved
'     SalesCart 5
'     File: global.asa
'     Revision: 4
'     ASP file that controls application and session-wide variables
Sub Application_OnStart
'==FrontPage Generated - startspan==
Dim FrontPage_UrlVars(1)
'--Project Data Connection
Application("SalesCart1_ConnectionString") = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=fpdb/shop.mdb"
FrontPage_UrlVars(0) = "SalesCart1_ConnectionString"
Application("SalesCart1_ConnectionTimeout") = 15
Application("SalesCart1_CommandTimeout") = 30
Application("SalesCart1_CursorLocation") = 3
Application("SalesCart1_RuntimeUserName") =""
Application("SalesCart1_RuntimePassword") =""
Application("FrontPage_UrlVars") = FrontPage_UrlVars
'==FrontPage Generated - endspan==
End Sub
Sub FrontPage_StartSession
On Error Resume Next

5.     SalesCart.asa:

'     Copyright (C) 1995-2004 ComCity. All Rights Reserved
'     SalesCart 5
'     File: SalesCart.asa
'     Revision: 4
'     ASP file that controls application and session-wide variables
'       Set your DSN or Database usernames and passwords here
Session("ConnectionString") = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("\") & "\fpdb\shop.mdb; UID=; PWD=;"

6. Do we have to copy global.asa/salescart.asa, and FPDB/CGI-BIN folder inside http://localhost/ root as well since we have subwebs http://localhost/test etc. or not?

I would really appreciate if you can clarify above mentioned, since without having correct code I can spend hours running in the circle without being able to run Sales Cart normally.


Posted By: mikeb
Date Posted: June/01/06 at 9:45am
There is no "exactly how global.asa/salescart.asa is supposed to be" all depends on where your database is and a whole bunch of other things about your hosting company.

[Also, you have way too many threads that talk about the same I have erased the duplicate posts. Confine a single problem to one thread.]

Posted By: jason2004
Date Posted: June/02/06 at 5:51am
Hi Mike,

Thanks for your response. I can’t agree with you. I’m not performing anything unusual.
What I’m doing is testing Pro 5.04 on http://localhost My hosting company is not having anything with this. If I can make it work on localhost, there should be no problems running it live.
I believe that everyone is having same the same path.


I have performed lots of testing, and I’ve seen that Front Page is changing global.asa file. Moreover, since in 5.04 version you have additional salescart.asa, everything becomes more complicated.

Posted By: mikeb
Date Posted: June/02/06 at 8:40am
Originally posted by jason2004 jason2004 wrote:

I believe that everyone is having same the same path.


Nope, in fact, I would say nearly no professional web hosting company keeps customer content there. The most obvious reason not to is that this is the default and the most likely place for a hacker to start looking. Please refer to your other thread that you have on this problem already - Thread

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