shipping1.asp not updating custom
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Category: Legacy Products
Forum Name: SalesCart Standard / PRO / SQL
Forum Description: All questions pertaining to SalesCart Standard, PRO and SQL should be posted here.
Printed Date: February/05/25 at 1:04pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.04 -
Topic: shipping1.asp not updating custom
Posted By: jwstephens2002
Subject: shipping1.asp not updating custom
Date Posted: May/07/06 at 1:25am
I have isolated the code that is not updating the customer table. Does anyone ever seen this issue?
The following is a code example followed by the results:
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript.Encode" %>
<!--#include file="codepage.asp"-->
<!--#include file=""-->
<!--#include file="IASUtil.asp"-->
order = Session("orderid")
'WRITE STUFF to Database
Dim objSimpleAdo, rstRS, SQLStmt, SQLStmt2
SQLStmt = "UPDATE [customer] "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "SET shipfname='tttt', "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "password='tttt', "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "shiplname='tttt', "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "shipemail='tttt', "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "shipcompany='tttt', "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "shipaddress='tttt', "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "shipcity='tttt', "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "shipstate='tttt' "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "WHERE Orderid = 2; "
Set SimpleAdo = New CSimpleAdo
SimpleAdo.setConnectionString = Session("ConnectionString")
Success = SimpleAdo.ExecuteInsertUpdate(SQLStmt)
Set SimpleAdo = Nothing
'READ STUFF to Database
SQLStmt2 = "SELECT * FROM [customer] "
SQLStmt2 = SQLStmt2 & "WHERE orderid=2;"
Set SimpleAdo = New CSimpleAdo
SimpleAdo.setConnectionString = Session("ConnectionString")
Set RS = SimpleAdo.getRecordSet(SQLStmt2)
Here are the results:
Session Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=d:\hosting\admin2bapps\supremedarts\fpdb\shop.mdb
SQLStmt UPDATE [customer] SET shipfname='tttt', password='tttt', shiplname='tttt', shipemail='tttt', shipcompany='tttt', shipaddress='tttt', shipcity='tttt', shipstate='tttt' WHERE Orderid = 2;
Success True
shipfname =
SQLStmt2 SELECT * FROM [customer] WHERE orderid=2;
Any help would be appreciated.