Sales cart Security Alert
Printed From: SalesCart
Category: Legacy Products
Forum Name: SalesCart Standard / PRO / SQL
Forum Description: All questions pertaining to SalesCart Standard, PRO and SQL should be posted here.
Printed Date: February/05/25 at 1:01pm Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.04 -
Topic: Sales cart Security Alert
Posted By: debsy
Subject: Sales cart Security Alert
Date Posted: May/05/06 at 7:46am
HI I know this has been posted before and I have been reading the fix, but even with the fix i cannot get rid of this additional e-mail coming in when someone adds something to the shopping cart entitled
Sales cart security alert.
Now in a previous post it was suggested that you comment out ' the line on the checkpost.asp as follows:-
'Set to 0 to email error message to merchant
'Set to 1 to display error message on error page
'Set to 2 to disable security
emailErr = 0
'Posted variables
postPrice = request("price")
partNum = request("part")
'FrontPage products database path
'fpDBPath = Application("Products1_ConnectionString")
'Dreamweaver products database path
'dwDBPath = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/") & "/fpdb/products.mdb;"
But this is still not working, can anyone help out
love deb
------------- help deb
Posted By: mikeb
Date Posted: May/05/06 at 2:36pm
'Set to 0 to email error message to merchant
'Set to 1 to display error message on error page
'Set to 2 to disable security
emailErr = 0
emailErr = 2
And, you will disable the whole thing.