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Salescart ID 1689380027822655

Printed From: SalesCart
Category: SalesCart: Cloud
Forum Name: SalesCart Cloud: General
Forum Description: Install, Setup or general questions about SalesCart Cloud
Printed Date: January/20/25 at 4:33pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 11.04 -

Topic: Salescart ID 1689380027822655
Posted By: Novagaia
Subject: Salescart ID 1689380027822655
Date Posted: April/01/18 at 12:06pm

Salescart is looged into my Facebook fan page but it dosen't work.
Facebbok fan page:
Salecart ID in the title

I already acceded to permission page and allowed to salescart to connect to my personnal account on facebook.

But store link and graphics doesn't show up and many errors message occured while installing. Some of these message were error#5 no value added (something like that) and it says there'is no permission allowed to salescart. also when it comes to refresh, nothing happened.

Please can anybody help?   

Posted By: admin
Date Posted: April/01/18 at 11:32pm
It looks like you already have a store on this page and it is not a SalesCart store??

If you had a bunch of errors, it is best to start you over. With your permission, we can delete you store and you can just start over. However, if it says there is no permission allowed for SalesCart, then this is a Facebook issue and you have granted permission yet.

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